this is a super easy skit to make. it took me all of like forty five minutes. its made from sleeves cut off men’s dress shirts, and the bottom of a dress I had cut off. basically I took the cut off of four sleeves that had been cut originally to make long sleeve shirts into short sleeve., cut them in half, sewed them all together, making the waist as tight as I needed it, then sewed the yellow ruffle to the bottom of the skirt, and hemmed up the sleeve potion, so the ruffle looks like another layer. I have made skirts like this in the past and have inserted a zipper on the side, but for this one I decided to just use the buttons on the cuff and placket for the opening. the green sleeve didn't have any buttons on them so I just sewed them up. the blue has two buttons on each cuff, which actually makes the waist a bit adjustable. I don’t know that I will need that function but hey why not have it? its easy enough. and really you can be as big or as small you want to wear a skirt like this. if your smaller you can use less sleeves if your bigger you can use more. and to make it more fun you can use all different panels if you like. length is personal too, you can make something like this as long or as short as you want depending on how much sleeve you have to start with, and how much layering you put into it. really you could put several layers on it to make it longer. or just whatever you want too do as long you have fun and love it.