07/24/2013 I finished this purse for my sister about three weeks before her birthday. and the bad thing about finishing something so early is the fact that I then find the need to add to it. originally I had only put the outside pocket on the purse but then after thinking about it for a while I thought it needed one in the interior as well. I mean really a purse must have pockets! so I pulled out the lining and put in the two pockets inside. a inset zippered pocket like on the outside and a patch pocket for little things such as lip balm and anti bacterial gel, or other small things. I had never done a zippered pocket like that. I don’t do a whole of pocket putting in, and I don’t make a huge amount of bags. in fact this is my first purse I have ever made. I have made tote bags and such but never anything like this. and the zipper was one of confusion, I had no directions and kept assembling it inside out. tearing it back out, pinning, and repeat, finally though I got it. once I had it all put back together and thought I was happy with it I set it aside to finish waiting till her birthday only to decide that the purse must have D-rings! how else can one hook things like key chains and such on the outside of a bag if there is no where to hook it? so once more I took apart the lining, and added what I needed, which was some interfacing for reinforcement to the inside and then the D-rings themselves. once it was reassembled again I was happy with it and instead of keeping it where I could see it I promptly wrapped it in fear I might decide to add another addition it was still a week till her birthday and who knows what other crazy ideas I might have. I think she liked it when I gave it too her, but the comment was made that is was kind of small, which I found interesting because a few months ago she gave me the fabric and showed me a purse saying this fabric would make the cutest little purse like this one. and the one I made was the same size, so..... I don’t know..... next time I make one, if I do I will definitely put the inside pockets and D-rings in first!
here are some more pics. ☺