I have finished my costume yea!
here are some of the non sewing pieces of it. first off the leggings. I bought mint colored leggings, and used Jacquard textile paint I purchased on Amazon for the white stripes. number one lesson this taught me. don’t free hand paint things. I did mark with tailors chalk where I wanted the lines but they ended up a bit sloppy, not quite straight lines and such. I should have used painters tape or something so it would have been more even. I had to do two coats of paint so it took several days to do the painting. but it knew it would from the reviews of the paint. as for the quality of the paint it seems nice. I haven’t washed it or anything yet though so I don’t know how that will effect it. it does have a tiny bit of stretch to it, but not much without cracking. good thing I don’t need too much. if your going to need lots of stretch with the paint I suggest having your fabric stretched while you paint.
the purple stripe is just puffy paint I had, painted on with a paint brush.
next is the hair things.
I painted two buttons I had with red paint to make them look like peppermints, then glued them with E6000 glue on to barrettes, and bought some plastic rhinestones, that I then glued onto bobby pins for the round sprinkles in Valenope’s hair.
now the gummy bears were more of a challenge as I had to find them. but I managed to find this really neat place on etsy that sells all kind of cute food things like plastic gummy bears. they look really real. so definitely not something one would want around little kids.
I used E6000 glue to glue these to the barrettes as well, and am hoping it will hold. the site says to use silicon glue on the gummy bears, but the E6000 glue seems to be holding them . at least all of them except the green one, not sure why that is, but oh well I just wont wear that one.
delishbeads on etsy
for the candy jimmies I am going to use colored bobby pins. I tried to make some out beads which looked cute and I might use some of them, but my hair was not thrilled with them, tangling in the beads when I tried to take them out and breaking my hair. so I was not much of a fan of the ones I made.
the licorice hair tie is actually sewn! I bought some red macramé rope, cut it to the length I wanted, burned the edges, zigzagged three pieces together on my machine then hand sewed them around a piece of red pipe cleaner. which gives it the stiffness and flexibility I needed. I made three pieces then braided them together. and sewed the ends so they wouldn’t come apart. I then tacked it in a few places to make sure the middle would stay together too.
so that’s it my Venelope Costume is finished!