not sure how good of an idea this is but I am going to make a list of what I want to make this year. I’m going to try not to be overly ambitious......
okay so here is my list.
1. a skirt made from neck ties. I already have the ties so I need to do this.
2. a bolero or two. I wear boleros all the time and need more then the three I have.
3. a Spencer ( I have no idea why I need one I have no regency dresses to wear it with. but I am thinking it would look cute with other things and I could wear it like a bolero till I finally break down and make a regency dress. because one day I will. and really I keep looking at museum websites and wanting one. museum websites are so bad!)
4. two dresses to wear for these meet up things I go to.
5. the yellow plaid Capri's I cut out last year.
6. a 1920’s beaded gown. I have a bunch of beads and really I need to use them and what better way to do so.
7. a Halloween costume, not sure what yet.
8. some blouses, since I bought a pattern.
9. at least one dress to add to my decades project.
10. maybe some other things as well. I just don’t know what.
11. maybe the 5th Doctor in girl version. but I need the rest of my Doctors to do theirs as well.
okay so probably way more then I can do, but at least its a jumping off point.
also I want to use as much as I can from my stash, but in reality I am sure I will be off buying more because what I have won’t be perfect. which brings me to my other goal. no more buying random fabric just because its pretty. I don’t have a lot space to keep it so I need to have a plan in mind when I go to the fabric stores.