this is the skirt I made to go under the black bow dress. its still waiting for a bit of a press and to be de-threaded, and de-fuzzed. what is it about black cotton that attracts so much lint? the skirt itself was a simple gathered skirt, no pattern. I did make use of my ruffle foot to make the double ruffles on the bottom. I also used the rolled hem function on my overlock machine, for the hemming of the ruffles. I love that function, its so much easier then making a tiny topstitch hem. and it looks really cute too.
I am actually nearing completion on the black bow dress. a few more days and I should have it finished. got the hem in today. but am still trying to decide whether or not I want to put black bows down the front. I could make them removable. if I do it will be the very last thing I do. I am on target for my goal of completion by next week.