the quilt is done! actually I finished it a few weeks ago but I don’t have place big enough to take pictures inside and get the whole quilt. I mean its not any bigger then a normal quilt its just the rooms are too small to get far enough back to get the whole quilt, and it has rained everyday since I finished the quilt. so its been sitting waiting for pictures. today it was finally dry enough to get some! as long as I hurried up and got the pictures before it starts raining again. I’m really excited about the way it turned out. I love the way it looks with the yellow binding. I did some fancy math to figure out if there was enough to do the binding before I cut the bias so if there wasn’t enough I wouldn’t waste the fabric.
actually it wasn’t that fancy of math. I just folded the fabric in quarters and marked that quarter with chalk then measured what I would have and times that by four.

now that the quilt is done I want to highlight some of the squares.
the center of course is what my great grandmother sewed. my favorite fabrics of what she sewed were the pussy willow fabric, and the small floral pattern.

the strip that goes around is something that both my great grandmother and I both sewed. she had started sewing together squares, most of the pieces were two or four pieces sewn together. I attached then all and added some random squares that came out of my grandmothers house, till I had strips long enough to go all the way around the quilt. the kitties, the foxes and the chickens are my favorites in the strip.

the four square squares I made, using some of the squares that came out of my grandmothers house, some squares that I just had and have no idea where I got them. some scrap pieces I had saved because I liked the fabric and some scraps that are from former sewing projects. do you recognize any of them?
strawberry fabric is from the strawberry series I did. I made my sister a skirt, my niece a dress and myself a dress out of this fabric.
red and black polka dots are also from a series I did for my sister, my niece and myself. we all got polka dot dresses! my nice and I got red and my sister black. I actually won the red fabric from a contest on a blog I read. the black was given to me about a week before I won that contest and I was going to make myself a dress out of the black, but since I won the red I made my sister a dress instead. we had so much fun all dressing alike. I really need to figure out another dress alike dress to do before my niece gets too old and doesn’t find it fun anymore.

the duckies are from a dress I made my niece for her second birthday. and the
gingham is from a dress I made for last birthday. the polka dots were something I was going to use on the dress I made to wear her parents wedding after I realized I was short on the butterfly fabric I had bought, and the store was out of. the polka dots matched the butterflies and I was going to use it as the ruffle at the bottom. I ended up not using it though, and just made the ruffle smaller then what the pattern called for.

the pink with silver stars. this is the only square I had and it was so random to come across when I was going through the squares. this is from a dress my sister made when she was just getting into sewing (she sews too!). I’m not sure if she used a pattern as a guide or not, since at the time we just sort of made things up. the dress turned out really cute though and she wore it all the time.

the gray with red flowers is from a nightgown I made my mother and the
green dog bones is from a pillow I made my niece.

there are a few other special fabrics on the quilt but these were my favorites. I love that I was able to put something in that represented my mom, sisters, niece and me. I wish I had something from my dad and brothers too but I haven’t really sewn much for them since girls are just so much easier to sew for.