I have actually sewn a few things this year. I just haven't gotten any pictures yet. I really need to get a picture of the top I finished a few weeks ago. its pink and has butterflies on it. a nice spring top that I have been wearing a lot, but have neglected to get a photo of. I don't really like the way it hangs in front and may add a bit of elastic to it. another reason I haven't done pictures is shortly after finishing the top my kitty Kita sadly passed away from a tumor in his head. I don’t think I ever posted any pictures of him on this blog. he didn’t “help” me sew the way Cole does. he would sometimes sit and watch me sew but if I talked to him he would always come to me and not let me get a picture. silly little thing. all you had to do was say his name and he would purr like a master.

the first picture has the pink butterfly project he was helping me sew by siting on a scrap on my cutting board. (don't worry that rotatory cutter was closed!) its a bit blurry though. the other picture is a healthy him of a year ago. such a poser!
and I have finished another project that I can’t post yet because its a secret surprise for my sister and niece. its not anything huge, but its something fun for the three of us, so I am excited to give it to them. next time I see my niece I will spread the fun of it all!
I started another project I am excited about, but figure it will take me a few months to do. its a plaid dress. I hope to have it done for summer.