here are the three pairs of matching PJ pants I made. I've had this fabric forever. I thought it would be fun to make my niece, my sister, and I all matching Pj pants with it. this was the plan from the start with this fabric, but me being slow me, I put it off too long, and my niece grew... she grew a lot... in the last two years she has grown like five inches. so where I had enough fabric when I got it, I no longer had enough for now. what to do? what to do? Cry? naw but I did feel a bit defeated. till I dug through my fabric and found a green that matched the green in the hello kitty print perfect. so I did some fancy math, well not that fancy, but it felt fancy while I was trying to figure it out. and I color blocked the pants for my niece. and I literally only had a sliver of the green left it was so close. and only random tiny pieces of the hello kitty print. I struggled to find pieces with an entire Kitty for the knee patches I added. but it all worked out and I ended up with just enough.

I used simplicity pattern #1520 for my sister and Niece. McCall's pattern #6249 for mine. I'm not much of a fan of the simplicity pattern the crotch length in it is outrageously long. and I'm not just saying that because I wear low rise, because I don't (I like mid rise.) no I am saying this because I have made several pairs out of this pattern, the first two I made I made as gifts and thought the crotch length looked long. I was right and I ended up getting them back to redo the crotch length. so now I just know in the adult pattern, drop the waist band three inches, otherwise its up to your arm pits, not even kidding. and the kid one I had to drop as well. I measured on a pair of PJ pants my niece had already to get it right.
the lesson here measure the crotch length on an existing pair you love and alter this pattern as needed. it will save you time in the end.
the McCall's pattern I dropped the band about an inch. I could have probably left it and been okay but saving fabric was necessary I would have had to lay it out completely different to get that inch and in the end I didn't need it. which I knew because the last time I used it I did the same thing and it work out.

we really didn't think of getting a picture till it was time to go so we don't have a great one of us all wearing them together, but we still had fun trying them all on together. sometime this summer we will all get together for a PJ party and wear them together so we all match!