back to the plaid and matching it, I was trying to line up the plaids on the yolk when I realized I had reversed the side plaids. it would no matter how hard I tried not line up. so after careful inspection I realized I had the pieces backwards.

do you see how subtle the difference is? I obviously wasn't paying that close of attention, but then I tend to sew when I'm really tired. so yeah...
I tore it apart and sewed it back, everything was looking so good until...
I evoked the fact I am horrible at math. somewhere along the way of resizing I added way to much and the dress was like eight inches to big! I think I know what I did though I think I only counted eight of the ten pieces, or maybe I am just that bad at math I don’t know. but this was figured out when I had the dress over half way done, all I had left was the sleeves collar and hems. I tried to just sew deeper but because of the curves and biases it wasn’t really turning out. I am now tearing the entire thing apart and re-cutting. lets just hope I don’t mess it up this time.
by the time I finish this dress I will have made it three times I swear!