I picked up this pattern at a tag sale, thinking it was really cute and looked easy to make. shortly after that I was given this fabric and knew immediately I would be making this dress with it.

Its a McCall’s pattern from 1975, #4549 and a Laura Ashley design. its one of McCall’s carefree Patterns and was really easy to make.
I did the facing a little different then they called for because my fabric was too sheer and the facing shined through badly, so I ended up doing it more the way one would use a bias strip round a neck line.
the only issue I have with the pattern is I didn't realize it was going to be quite as low as it is. I should have though it looks pretty low on the pattern envelope. I ended up wearing something under it so I would be more comfortable. and decided if I ever make it again I will bring up the neck line a bit. it should be easy enough to do, its just straight lines.

the fabric I used is a blue and white striped cotton that was only 35” wide which I didn’t realize when I first measure it, since I was paying attention to yardage not width. so I thought I would have plenty and not have to worry in the least about have enough to make the dress, until I went to lay out the pattern. That is when I realized how thin the width was. once I realized that, I wasn’t sure there would be enough for the dress as it calls for 5 1/2 yards of 44” width, and I was a few inches shy of that. but I was determined even if it called for 6 yards of 35” width, I was going to somehow make this dress and with this fabric. I played with laying the dress out for a good hour before I got it down and was able to get all my pieces with only shortening the length 1” which I would have had to do anyway. one plan I had was to leave of the pockets or make them smaller if I had too, but I was able to even get those. I did have to piece together the sleeves as they are cut on a bias so they take more fabric but with the stripes that was no big deal.
sometimes completely ignoring the pattern layout suggestions is needed. I sear they waste more fabric with the way they lay things out.
all in all this dress was easy to make and is really comfortable to wear. I wouldn’t mind having the shirt from the pattern to wear under that. but that will have to wait for a later date as I have another project lined up already.