this year for Halloween I was Belle, from Beauty and the Beast. the costume is based from the live action movie with Emma Watson. I absolutely adored the blue outfit in the movie, thus decided last year to make it.
yes I made this last year to wear last Halloween but due to unforeseen events I was unable to wear it. those unforeseen events happened to be a car breaking down. I needed new breaks and while I thought this was not going to be a big deal it turned out it was a big deal. the part that holds the breaks on literally fell apart while being changed and new parts had to be ordered so what was supposed to be a quick job turned into a three day job and I was left with no car for my Halloween weekend plans and ended up staying home.
so I did what any one who had spent hours upon hours sewing a costume I I saved it for this year. Yea!

unfortunately being made last year I cannot remember what patterns I used. I should have written it down but I didn’t. I actually only used a pattern for the skirt. and the back of the vest. I drafted the front of the vest on my own. the apron I didn’t bother with a pattern as its just a rectangle gathered onto a strip of cloth with the edges all hemmed.
the pocket was pretty fun to make. its a dish cloth that I made the slit in the front by sewing the edges together about 1 1/2” in leaving an opening for my hand, I then clipped the edges and turned them to the outside and hemmed around the opening. I then centered the opening and sewed up the ends then added that to a waist tie like a apron has.

the scarf was again just a rectangle I sewed the edges around.
the shirt I didn’t make I had it already and incorporated it in.
I also made a necklace that is Okay but nothing to brag about.
the shoes are just some shoes I had as are the socks.
I thought it came together rather well and am definitely happy with the end results.