several years ago I had copied a pattern from a magazine because it was just so cute! I made two of them for cousins. but had never gotten around to making one for myself. back in the fall I decided it was time to make one for myself. I had acquired a small scrap of a soft cream minky faux fur. the fabric was so soft and cuddly I had to make something. it wasn’t really enough to do much with but there was enough to make this bear.

and can I just say that this fabric was a nightmare to work with. it slides every which way no matter how you pin it and it sheds like crazy so the entire time I was working with it I breathing in and eating fuzz. I hate working with furry fabric and always have. but it had been a while since I had worked with it so I thought I reinforce that dislike by making something adorable.
and it did turn out adorable. I very pleased with the finished product and put in out so it could been seen whenever I went into the room.

now skip ahead a week or so and my niece came over. she saw the bear and about freaked out because it was so cute. she wanted one and begged me to make her one. to which I told her I had no more of that fabric. which was true, so she told me it was okay she would like it in any type of fabric. I told her maybe for her birthday and left it at that because really I didn’t want to make anymore bears.

but being the sucker I am for my niece about a month before her birthday I went ahead and looked through my stash, I was pretty sure I had some brown faux fur and I was right. and so began the process of once again eating fur as I sewed. I am thinking if I ever make another of these I may want to wear a mask, it can not be healthy to breath in the fur.
the brown fur at least was not minky, it sewed up a lot easier as it was more stable. I had it done in plenty of time to give it to her for her birthday and she was ecstatic. she loved it. its such a great thing to give someone something that I made and have them love it!

something I did different then the pattern called for is they they wanted me to buy a special piece to make the arms and legs move but I just did it the old fashioned way of sewing a button on the inside of the arm or leg and another to the inside of the body so they sewn together effectively making a joint that moves. I figure several loops of thread should hold together just as well as a plastic piece, and its not as if either of us are going to be rough on the bears so the arms and legs should stay together just fine.