This year hasn’t been great in the creativity department, but I know it will come back, at some point I will see something and be like, ooh I need to make that! I also didn’t do a very good job at keeping up with blogging about the things I made last year. This was mostly due to my computer going down right as a computer shortage hit, and then being unable to find a computer which made it hard to make blog posts. I did manage to post the majority of things I made but now I am trying to play catch-up on the things I didn’t post.

I made these overalls in spring of 2020. They are made using Simplicity pattern #7372 from 1991. I picked up this pattern at a fabric shop probably five or six years ago. It was an amazing fabric store that was about a three hour drive. I would go about once a year and always ended up spending too much money. Even though I swore I would stick to what I thought was a high enough budget, and no way I could overspend. Okay so that was probably silly, it’s always possible to go over budget in a fabric store. And come on it was quite a drive, I couldn’t exactly just drop back by if I decided yeah I really did need that thing I saw but didn’t buy. Unfortunately the woman who owned the store passed away and the store closed down.

The last time I was there was about a year before they closed. They had boxes and boxes of patterns from the 1990’s. The store had been around forever so I guess the patterns were stored in the back somewhere only to be uncovered 25 years late and put on clearance. I’m not a huge fan of the styles they had. Apparently not a lot of people are, they had hundreds and hundreds of the patterns ranging from 25 cents to 2 dollars. So of course I had to go through them all just in case there was a treasure. And I found this pattern. It was the only one I liked and it was only 65 cents. How could I possibly pass it up? I couldn’t.

If you look up this pattern you will see it is not for long pants. it ‘s for above the knee culottes and mid calf culottes along with a jumper dress and a shirt. For these overalls I wanted them to be full length so I used view 1 and added 8” to the length which turned out to be perfect. I have thought about making them in the shorter view as well but can’t decide on fabric.

I also made them in the wrong size. Totally my fault I should have paid better attention and measured the pattern pieces rather than going with what the back of the envelope said. I should always do my own math on patterns, they do seem to be all over the place in actual sizing. It's as if the sizing is more of a guide than an actuality. I ended up having to take it up alot in the back.

So the back is a bit different than the pattern shows but it worked. I wish I would have had enough fabric to recut the pieces but alas I did not. So the front is a bit wide for me and the straps have this annoying habit of slipping off my shoulders if I’m not standing perfectly straight. Hmm… maybe a sign I need to work on having better posture. I do wear them though, annoying straps aren’t so big of a turn off that I can’t wear them, I just have to pay attention to my posture and it's all good. I also didn’t have any buttons in the right size that matched (I made these during shut down and couldn't really go out in search of buttons) I made up for it by using some adorable little roller skate buttons I had, they were too small so I used two buttons per strap rather than one. Better to use something from the stash anyway, otherwise you know what happens? Yes, I go get what I need but somehow other things end up coming home to join the stash as well. Ah, Those pesky little impulse buys.

I think they turned out way cute though so I am happy with them.