Last year I made my sisters wedding dress. today is her first anniversary so I thought I would post about the dress. first off she wanted to make a dress inspired by our great grandmothers wedding dress from 1926. it was a simple enough design I told her I would do it for her. so began the journey of finding everything we needed for the dress. I also made the bridesmaids dresses, which were made from the same pattern. this is also the pattern I used to make my 1920’s dress for my decade project. I was quite happy with the way her dress turned out. and she loved it too which is always a good thing when working with a bride. oh and just something really neat my sister wore the neclace our great grandmother wore at her wedding. it was my sisters something old.
a few more pictures under cut. including one of my great grandmothers dress

there were only two bridesmaids, me and another girl (I’m really not that tall she is on the shorter side)

coming down the stairs to her groom.

walking away with her groom. aw how sweet♥

and lastly my great grandmothers wedding dress that I copied. its from 1926, and was not kept in the greatest conditions, but for its age its not in too bad of shape considering.
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