in the no rules sewing department. I had a bunch of scraps in this red fabric left over from making a red riding hood cape last year. the grains were all over the place and pieces were of all shapes and sizes. I didn’t want to just throw out the fabric as some of the pieces were rather large. this is what I I have done so far. it is no where near what I want. I’m going to gather up the train in hopes it will hide the fact there is no real grain line in this. I have no idea if it will work. but hey I’m having fun playing. I did set this aside for a bit to work on my sailor dress. yea for having more then one project going on at once! I’m having a lot of frustration going on with fit on things though. what would really help is a dress form in my size. it close but just not quite there. oh well maybe one day. and you know what I think would be an excellent feature on dress forms is flexible shoulders. I have more trouble with the stiff shoulder things then anything. it makes the dresses hard to put on and off. okay enough complaining. and back to work.....
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