my sister loves octopus’s, and sometime this year I came across the most adorable pattern for one made out of felt. this is made with all hand stitching so it was again something made while watching a movie I had already seen. this time it was the fellowship of the ring. yeah I made this before Hobbes, even though I posted about him first. I liked this pattern it was easy, though time consuming sewing all those little tentacles. actually cutting them out was harder then sewing them. I don’t know why, it took less time, I guess just the fact I had to cut out sixteen of the same thing. the pattern gives tips on how to make this easier, which I of course didn’t read till after I had them all cut out. oh well, that’s typical of me. I glance over directions, but don’t really pay attention till I have an issue. and yes I do that with every pattern. the pattern also explains what order to sew the body in so your knots all end up on the bottom, making them less obvious. and as you can see the pattern turns out the most adorable little octopus ever!