now that Christmas is over I can post about what I made people. I only made two gifts this year, which is about normal for me. my sister told me about this Hobbes plush her husband really wanted, and gave me a link for a pattern and tutorial. the pattern was easy to follow, and the hand work made easier by doing it while watching “the return of the king.” yes the best way to get through tedious tasks is to do them while re-watching rather long movies. I did have to resize two of the back stripes, by making them both an inch longer, but that wasn’t a big deal. the one thing I found aggravating about both the pattern and tutorial is I couldn’t find where is said how much fabric to buy. I don’t know if I just missed it, or what. in any case I ended up buying too much fabric. its better to have too much then not enough right? in the end I think a 1/4 yard of each color would suffice. which is actually too much for the white, but all the places I have been that is the smallest cut you can get. you can also see if you look at the tutorial that my placement on the stripes for Hobbes’s arms and legs is slightly off. that is due to the fact I we lost internet for several days, and I guessed at the placement. (should have saved a picture right off) I think it looks alright though,. my brother in law seemed to like it, which is really all that mattered since it was for him. and really I was pleased with it as well. I mean come on its adorable!
Pattern and tutorial here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Stuffed-Hobbes-with-pattern/?ALLSTEPS

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