I made a white cotton blouse, using simplicity pattern #8117 view 1 from 1977.
I picked the pattern up at a antique store since I needed a blouse and
it was cute, plus it looked really simple. and It would have been, had I not decided I wanted pin tucks. its not that pin tucks are necessarily difficult its just a bit time consuming.
I figured out how many tucks I wanted, and was on my way to altering the pattern. I basically figured out where I wanted the tucks to be and added that to the pattern pieces by tracing the pieces with the added bits. next was sewing in the tucks, all 21 of them. after sewing them in I then compared pieces to the original pattern pieces.
they turned out to be extremely close only the sleeves were slightly off but in a too big way so I trimmed them down that little bit. which probably didn’t matter much since the sleeve is gathered but I did anyway. once I did all that it was basically just putting it together. the lace is placed differently then on the pattern . I wanted it along the buttons and the collar. I also made the blouse short sleeves. I get too hot in long sleeves inside even in the winter so I really wanted the sleeves to be short.
I also messed up putting the sleeves in at first I wasn’t paying attention to the pattern and tried to make the shoulder seam be the center of the sleeve. which made far to many gathers in the front. I realized my mistake though and fixed it.
I like this pattern and am thinking at some point I want to make view 3 with the peter pan collar. maybe in long sleeves but probably not. I do know if I make it again I will make it without the pin tucks since I already did that once.
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