I have had this fabric for ages and just couldn’t think of what I wanted to do with it so there it sat on the shelf forever. one day while browsing through blogs and I could not tell which one I was looking at, I came across a dress from the 1950’s made with a similar type of fabric. although that one was a gold base, and my fabric is blue I thought the dress was beautiful and my blue dress could be just as good. I also had a pattern that had a similar look to it. so of course having all that was needed to make the dress I had to do it. I used new look pattern 6675 view D. I bought this pattern forever go because it was cute. I pretty much followed the pattern with a few minor adjustments for size and such. I had to add to the length of the bust because they size patterns so small, and having the bust seam in the middle of my bust is not only uncomfortable its not at all flattering. I really wish all the patterns would size for different cup sizes. I know some do but so many do not.
one thing I did differently was the way I put the lining in. I was not fond of the way they did it. they had the lining attached to the fashion fabric before you made the bust seam, but that leaves a seam allowances exposed on the inside. and if I am going to all the trouble of fully lining a dress I want all the seams to the inside. I understand why they have you do the way they do, it’s easier to get it lay nicely. but I was very precise with lining up the points so it falls nicely. here's a picture of the inside lining at the bust, so you can see what I did.

in the end its another dress to be happy with!

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