I thought our most recent snow fall would be a good time to revisit the cape. I love getting out in the snow once or twice a year and just playing. sledding down my big hill is always fun but taking pictures in the snow is one of my favorite things to do. and its always a good excuse to play a bit of dress up.

the cape was fairly easy to make, though I do have to admit it was a bit hard finding a place to cut it out, the pieces are rather large. I ended up going to a friends and borrowing her cutting table to cut it out, because I didn’t have the room to lay it out. the fun thing was my cousin Dressed as Robin hood for the same event that year using this same pattern so we ended up going together to cut them out. which I think made the whole cutting out process take twice as long but that's ok because giggling always makes it worth the extra time, and whenever we get together there tends to be plenty of that going on.

I didn’t line my cape, for one because I am lazy, and two I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to handle the weight of it if I did. which I still think is true, the fabric I used is a fairly heavy cotton blend, though I have to admit I can not remember what the blend is. and its weighs more then one would think.

I do remember freezing the first time I wore the cape and wishing I had lined it, it was terribly windy that day and what we were doing was outside.
but wearing it this time, even though I was in snow I wasn’t cold at all. its amazing how much warmer it feels when there is no wind.

the shirt also being from red riding hood.
the skirt is part of my Alice in wonderland costume from several years ago.
the vest is a bit of a preview of the Belle from beauty in the beast costume I made but then didn’t get to wear.
I will write about that later in the spring, when I plan to get some pictures in the mountains but I have to wait for the snow to be on on its way.
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