this is one of those projects that has been sitting in my stash harassing me for years.
I bought this fabric, pattern and the buttons together years ago with the intention of making these pajamas but one thing or another would always get in the way. so it sat there and laughed at me.

finally decided to just go for it! sew the PJ’s and enjoy them this winter.
I used McCall's pattern #6249. I have made the pants out of this pattern a few times and knew that they would go together pretty quickly which they did. the top though I knew would take longer and it did. in fact it took a lot longer then I thought it would because the pattern directions were wonky.

the top was going together perfectly fine till I got to the collar then everything started to go wrong. I had carefully marked all the circles and triangles as indicated on the pattern pieces then carefully aligned them as instructed, sewed everything together and took a look... it was bad. the top part of collar points were lined up to the bottom part of the collar so there was no V, it was just a straight line that refused to lie down properly. I knew it was wrong so I tore it off, or rather I carefully picked out the stitching, then took a wild guess as too how much I should back the collar off, and of course came up with the wrong measurement. the top collar now stuck out too far and looked weird. so again I tore it out, this time I pinned it in, checked it then pinned it in again I forget how many times I did this but finally I got it so it looked right and went with it. this time when I sewed it I was happy with it.

I just love my hair in this picture. it looks pretty cool swishing in the sunshine. but I think next time I get the big idea to go barefoot in winter I need to remember this day and put some shoes on! the ground was freezing!

the rest of the pattern seemed to go together just fine. and after fighting with the collar was happy with how the final project turned out. now I have some super cute jammies. another part of the directions I completely ignored was how to put in the sleeves. I had decided to do it differently then the directions from the moment I read them. they said to sew up the side seams first, then add the sleeves. but I find it you attach the sleeves first then sew up the side seams it easier because you are sewing on a flat seam rather then around a circle. circles I find tend to fight against the machine. so why do it the hard way when its so much easier to do it the easy way.
I think maybe I would make these again but I need to remember pin the collar in first so I there is less tearing out and less frustration and more love for the garment.
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