last year was tough. it wasn’t the sewing that was tough it was other things, but through it I tried to keep on keeping on. one thing that was very hard was losing my childhood pet in late October; after a year of her battling congestive heart failure and a few other things that go along with aging. she took a lot of care in the last days and months of her life but I don't regret the time spent with her at all. she was happy content and demanding till the end.

for 21 years she liked to help me sew, (well it was closer 17 years as I wasn’t really into sewing till then, but whatever. she was 21 1/2. half years totally count when your a cat) I used to make her clothes and dress her up like Victorian and Edwardian times. I am sure I got the idea from paintings and photographs of children dressing up cats, toting them around in baby carriages and having tea. the dresses really weren’t good but I thought they were, and she tolerated it well, and we had fun. yes I started sewing making doll clothes which then translated into kitty clothes.

when I started using patterns to make myself things she would help me out by chewing on the pattern paper while I lay out the pattern on the floor to cut out. I would turn around and chunks of my pattern would be slimy melted sludge. I would than try to flatten out and rework them, usually they weren‘t a total loss. After a few years she finally got her fill and stopped doing it, letting me cut out the patterns without fear of the slime.

She then went on to helping me sew by laying on every project I ever did. which meant lint rollers were always used on a finished project. I never cared that she lay on them, she never clawed them or anything she was just “helping” me out. even when her arthritis got to where she could no longer get onto the sewing table, she would let me know she needed to get up there and I would accommodate by helping her up, and then helping her down when she was done. she was tiny bit spoiled.
she spent hours watching me sew, probably wondering why exactly I was doing, till I was done, and she had a new thing to get hair all over.

she tagged along with me outside all over the forest just outside our door. the photo shoots for my Blog very often turned into her photo shoots. I have a lot of great pictures of her, I’m going to stick to the sewing related ones here though.

our last project together was a quilt. one that I was not able to finish before she passed. I knew I wouldn’t as I am sewing it all by hand, I did however finish all the squares, and was able to take her picture with each of them. I will post them when the quilt is complete, which won‘t be for a while. I need to get back to working on it. The entire time I worked on it I told her the quilt was for her, so when I do finally finish it, I will call it her memorial quilt. I got frustrated with it the last time I worked on it though so I set it aside. I will go back to it eventually. I will finish it one day. sometimes though things have to be set aside before they ever be completed.

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