For my sister’s birthday I made her a cute little pink bear to match the other bears I have made. So far using this pattern I have made 6 bears. I don’t have any idea of the first two I made even exist anymore, but I do know the latter 4 do. I have plans for at least one more for my mom either for her birthday or Christmas. I have already told her this so posting it where she can read is perfectly ok.

I was a bit nervous about the fabric since its minky and minky can be cantankerous, but this went together nicely. I was impressed, since the white bear I made was also out of minky and it gave me fits. This minky however seemed a higher quality and sewed like a dream. I also find that the more bears I make the better I get at the noses. I think this bear wins for cutest nose. I guess it true about practice making perfect. I really just love the way this bear turned out.

I was kind of sad about making the pink bear this year not because I was upset about making the bear but because I had plans for presenting it I was unable to do.
I had been planning to make this for my sister’s birthday since last year. I was hoping to get together with her, our other sister and our niece for teddy bear picnic day, we would all have our bears and then I would present my sister with hers at the teddy bear picnic. But alas our teddy bear picnic was canceled (the story of 2020 right?) so it turned out to be a quick hand off of the box with the bear and I didn’t even get to see her open it. She did call me after she opened it and said she really liked it though. So plans on for next year, and they will include my mom with her new bear and maybe my cousin if she still has her bear. I think it would be so fun to all get together with our matching bears. And who knows maybe I will make me a cute new dress as well. I am so hoping next year is better I miss seeing my people.

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